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From the Greenhouses

The Warren Farm is dedicated to growing and producing the finest fresh and preserved foods.  All fresh vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers are started from seed and raised on-site in our greenhouses.  The farm also nurtures excellent fruit and berry stock for sale.  Plants go on sale mid-May, and on Memorial Day Weekend we have our annual Heirloom Tomato Plant Sale event.  Go to Tours & Events for details.

Plant offerings for 2012:

We're very excited about our crop offerings for 2012!  We are now working with only Heirloom Seeds for the Seed Savers Exchange.  This organizations mission is "to save the world's diverse, but endangered, garden heritage for future generations by building a network of people committed to collecting, conserving and sharing heirloom seeds and plants, while educating people about the value of genetic and cultural diversity".  For more information go to www.seedsavers.org .


  44 varieties of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes

18 varieties of lettuce and specialty greens

12 varieties of sweet, hot, & decorative peppers
8 kinds of basil
Jan's favorite pickling & slicing cukes!
Unique and traditional vegetables
15 varieties of summer and winter specialty squashes
14 varieties of herbs - field grown and greenhouse raised
Hanging tomato and strawberry baskets; recipe baskets; herb, lettuce, & basil combo pots
Asian greens
4 Eggplant varieties
Edible flowers
  Unique 2012 Varieties:  

Gold Standard Cuke

One cool, delicious cucumber with gorgeous golden flesh. Boasts five times the beta-carotene of other cucumbers. 18" tall and 60" spreading plants yield 6"-8" fruit in 49 days.


Tom Thumb Potted Peas Originated in England and introduced in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century. At 8' tall this is the best dwarf pea for container gardening and flower bed edges. Plants are able to withstand hard frosts.

Red October Tomato   
Big 8 oz. red fruits can hang a long time on the vine without softening or losing flavor.
 Harvested fully ripe in the fall, it'll keep 3-4 weeks longer than other varieties without refrigeration.  Good disease resistance.

Eggplant, Thai Green                                        Thai Green Eggplant 
Long slen
der 12" fruits have tender light green skin that does not require peeling. Fine quality mild white flesh absorbs flavors well. Prolific and drought resistant.
Lettuce, Australian Yellowleaf OG

Australian Yellowleaf Lettuce
Australian heirloom from the Digger's Club near Melbourne. Very tender texture. Unique chartreuse color. Slow to bolt, large plants. Looseleaf.

Salt and Pepper (OG)

Salt and Pepper Cuke 
The first white-skinned pickling cucumber with powdery mildew resistance.
Similar in size, 3-5" to  Boothby's Blonde, but with improved flavor and disease resistance. Black spines.  Green Thumb Award Winner. Organically grown.

Pretty in Purple - Hot Edible/Ornamental Pepper

Leaves of these spreading but upright, avg. 2' plants are solid purple or variegated purple and green. The 3/4", rounded, glossy peppers are deep purple and ripen to yellow, orange, and finally scarlet. Each plant has mixed colors. Small, purple flowers.

Cucumber, Armenian


 Armenian Cuke     
Looks and tastes like a cucumber but botanically a melon. Crunchy flesh is burpless, never bitter, and makes great pickles. Prolific output, performs especially well in hot climates. Light green ribbed fruits grow up to two feet long; they grow straight when trellised but tend to twist when grown on the ground.

Slick PikŪ YS 26 (F1)
Slick Pik Summer Squash

Combines extra earliness with spineless leaf petioles for a better percentage of blemish-free fruits and an easier harvest. The very attractive fruits have good taste, and are a bit longer than typical, yellow straight necks.